Friday 17 April 2015

Dear friend, don't you worry

Dearest friend,

Don't be sad that your plans did not go as u expected. I know it hurts that ur first love did not work out, like i said, guys sometimes are bricks u can't break, codes u can't crack. You are so much more than what u think u are now. Surely someone else is looking at you and thought "oh how i wish i have what she has" Remember to always put god first, we are girls, will always be surrounded with our pms and the endless rollercoasters.  Heartbreaks? They are meant to teach us a lesson, and if u won't learn from it, it keeps on hitting. You know what u did was the right thing, maybe u are indenial about it, but our decisions in life have always been full of doubts. But if we did not try, then how will we ever know?

Don't worry, be happy. Surely he has a lot going on, but u also need to remember that who is the greatest planner among all? He is, no doubt. If u think ur ex did not put any mercy on you, who is the most merciful after all? He is, Allah, the most forgiving. So give it a try, have a little faith in yourself, be strong, i know u are. Don't let him break you, never let anyone break u. You are not meant to be broken. If he kept on bugging you tho he isn't. I am here for you, will always be. I am a medium he won't be able to bypass. Afterall, who is he really? Does he know what we went through after years of friendship? He is glad that you have someone, someone which is me. Be grateful, we do not know what he went through and we can't kept on judging him.

I have never been this mad over a stranger that had break u my friend. I am seriously mad, how could he say such things about our friendship? Really? He claims he is a joker. I tell you, he is a comedian, he is meant to make the world laugh, and it keeps on playing tho the world is sleeping, who in the right mind will think that the world is at peace? We are humans, full of dramas, if movies are not dramatic enough, our lives surely are. Dear friend, you need to be strong, you have so much ahead of you, your life soon will be colored.

I want you to know that through storms and thunders, i will always look after you, thanks to the advancement of technology, distance isn't felt that far. I want you to fix your nawaitu (intentions), reflect on why u came to study at the first place. Be careful for what u wish for, as it might turn out to be the greatest regrets in ur life. You know my story dear friend, you need to learn from me as well, tho i had never been into a real relationship recently, i know how it feels, i want u to know that i feel u, i hate to see ur heartbreak, as i've been there too.

The hardest part of this is leaving you, or you leaving me, you know we will be in different parts of the world by next year. I can no longer drive to ur place and say "hey im here,get out NOW!!!!" So what i want you to know is, there are people who truly loves you. You know who they are, and i am one of them. Chin up, sometimes u need to trust that time is the best healer, after all, u need patience. Walk with ur head high up but stay humble. Don't you worry, this is life, if it's not dramatic, it would have been so dull. One day you will look back at this moment, and think that "oh i was stupid,well that was funny" Forgive yourself before u forgive others, let go of the pain, it will you let u go too, don't feel bad that i am involved in this, i like it somehow, it gives me a wide view of how weird and odd people could be as sometimes i am odd too.

Dear friend, don't you worry,

I love you,


  1. Beautiful words Sarah! In case if u are reading this, please keep on doing what u do best and u are such an inspiration to me.
    Sara ��

    1. thank you Sara,this means a lot,it keeps me motivated to pursue what im passionate about.Good day :)
