Friday 6 January 2017

If i knew 2016 sooner

The pain of losing certain people is actually a gain 

We all lose people each year. Some connection is cut by death, God knows best. But unfortunately for some, the connection is cut through broken bonds. As time goes by, we learn that some people don't matter anymore cause we rarely matter to them to begin with. It's crucial to know where you stand in someone's life. It takes a good fall to know if we are important to them. We sometimes give more than we receive, it's a good concept. But at times, it could be tiring. Why do we put in so much effort to those who treat us like an option? Don't undervalue your worth, it's time for you to say no. There's nothing better to do than to drop them far from your sight, out of your life. If it hurts, you're doing it right. My dear, your time is too precious, spend it wisely with those who accept you for who you are.

You can conquer the fall 

Personally for me, the past years have always been about my inner struggle with anxiety. At times when i fall, i don't rise, i run. I run and i shut myself from connecting with others. I hate it when people check on me or make an effort to see me. That's selfish i must say, but i learn it the hard way. That when you fall, you have to allow others to help you. You have to let go of yourself trying to control things that you can't. I learn that healing takes time, and you don't have to appear to be strong all the time. Everyone seems calm on the surface, but deep inside, we have no idea how one can suffer from within. Time has definitely made me a better learner. I achieved my goals where once i thought they were impossible. It's true what they say, when we hit rockbottom, there's nothing else we should do besides getting back up again. The rise is a product of several downfalls.

Let the past be the past

This one's a classic, but it's important to connect the dots. To me, the past is unforgiving, it has made me a bitter person. But as i mature, i learn that it is the past that has made me a stronger person and what really matters is where i am now and how far i've come. In this moment, we live in the present, we deserve to enjoy every bit of it.  Don't let the past haunt you and ruin your future. Let's begin again. Each day, we learn to forgive ourselves in hope we strive to be better. We can't fix what had to happen so we learn to accept the truth. You see, from my personal experience, i never saw the silver lining. But now that i do, i'm glad that i was put in that situation, for it has shaped the person i am today. Even when we think we've had our future all figured out, life can still surprise us. Even we can surprise ourselves. Here's a quote from my favourite series, Gossip Girl, "Our mistakes are ours alone to repeat or correct."  So be faithful, kind and hopeful to yourself. Let go of the past, and the past will let you go. 

Be selfish at times

Life is much better when you learn to put yourself first. It really does. Don't move mountains for those who wouldn't. Save yourself from potential heartbreaks. Over the years, i have always been putting myself out for people. I wouldn't say i'm selfless, but i can be one towards those i truly care for. But what a surprise knowing that people can still call you selfish when your intentions towards them have always been and felt pure. This is the part where i think being selfish is okay. It's okay if it's protecting you, enough is enough. It's time to mend yourself and build walls. Make rooms for those who can see you through, those who can be honest with you without hurting you, the ones that treat you as a priority, not an option. But for those who don't, be kind towards them, forgive them. But create a fine line between you and whoever that person(s) is, knowing that you don't have to keep them. 

Old friendship can be rekindled 

As John Leonard said, it takes a long time to grow an old friend. As we ride the journey of life, our circle of friends change over time. Friends are never constant. But as for someone who prefers her circle small, i know who my soulmate is. The one who can always accept me for being me. Time has definitely changed the things around us, even we as a person. But being able to reconnect as if nothing changes? Best feeling ever. I look forward to the day where fate will bring us together,  those friends that i crossed path with once. Each one of us met for a reason, either a lesson or a blessing or a curse? Okay not that. But if you found yourself surrounded with pure friends, please treasure them and treat them right. You are blessed with this joy of life where a friend like you and you and you are loved. 


  1. Keep up the good work.. Don't Stop Writing..

    1. Thank you for the thoughtful comment! InshaAlllah 😊✨
