Thursday 7 January 2016

Didi : Lost and Found

A historic day ; 6th January 2016

This was the last picture taken a few hours before she went missing

A chaos visit to Mesra Pet Shop, Taman Melawati at 1.07pm, Wednesday :

It was a hot sunny day on a wednesday just like the other days in Malaysia. I had to run a few errands before I took my cat, Didi to the vet. She has been showing mood swings like losing her appetite, hate to be around my family and i, shaking constantly and coarsely meow. So i thought it's time to bring her to the vet for the first time after 6 years. Her first visit was when she's a cute little baby. Having the lack of experience, not having a pet carrier, i put her in a open box (i know it's stupid) and put her at the backseat, i hold her while my sister was driving. In front of the vet, as i was carrying her to the door, she wobbled around and scratched me until i bleed. She then ran away and crossed the streets, she was lightning fast, i just couldn't keep up cause she made it to the other side.

Finding Didi :

So i put the box in front of the vet, it's still there lol. Then i went back home with my sister and told my mom. My mom and i went to find Didi under the hot weather around our neighbourhood. Calling her name out, meowing as if im a big cat, cause she crossed the road where there's a lot of cars near the school's traffic light area. But it turned out to be in vain, so we went back tiredly. I went back up to my room and slept.

Didi's mystery comeback :

After we went for grocery shopping, i was feeding my other cat, a siamese breed male, Jojo. Out of a sudden, Didi appeared from the back gate and looking around for food. I screamed my lungs out, out of gratefulness, alhamdulillah ya Allah. I gave her food, both dry and wet food, but she still refused to eat.

Didi's mysterious comeback! 

A second successful visit to Mesra Pet Shop, Taman Melawati at 7pm :

As i was worried that she's still moody and such, I borrowed a pet carrier from my friend Irfanah Imnaz, so nice of her! Thank you Irfyy, Didi was safe and sound all the way to the vet cause of the secure carrier hehe. As the vet is only located behind our housing area, we decided to walk and carry the fat drama cat.

The diagnosed:

In the vet, after registering, the Dr checked her temperature, but she said she was fine, her temperature is normal. But i know for a moment that her behaviour at home has been changing a lot lately, she gets so moody if i came nearby, she kept on shaking and refused to eat. The Dr said Didi was diagnosed more to anxiety and feeling scared, the reason why she kept on shaking and clump her claws on. I have always let Didi be free outside, so she might be attacked by the other cats, including Jojo or other things that she's scared of. The Dr fed wet food to Didi using a syringe cause she was still refusing to eat. I requested for an anti-flee treatment for Didi. Lastly, she was given a vitamin to help her gain her appetite and reduce stress.

Appreciation post :

To everyone who helped me retweet Didi's pictures and spread the awareness, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much. To those who helped me repost on instagram and helped spread the news, thank you too. Now i clearly see and understand the meaning of "the power of social media"

Didi's latest update :

Didi is now slowly recovering, the vitamin really helped her to gain her appetite, she has stopped shaking from what i can see. I groom her everyday now, like i comb her fur. She is so much happier now, and that makes me even much more happier!

Thank you everyone for reading this special post about Didi! I wish you guys had fun reading this post, until next time :D

Tuesday 5 January 2016

2016 Resolution

Hey 2016! I can't believe a year has passed and I'm a year older now. Im sure everyone has their new year resolution listed to a start of a new beginning, so here's my top 10 new year resolutions :

  1. To be closer to god ; Having the golden opportunity to perform umrah with my family last year has widen my eyes, mind and heart on the truth of the Quran and all the teachings and sunnah from our beloved prophet Muhd saw (peace be upon him) 
  2. To be a better daughter ; I am aware of my parents' age and i need to perform better in my studies and to clean the house always, the least i could do to repay them.
  3. To control my anxiety better ; Some days my anxiety won, some days i won. But it's always a tough battle between us.
  4. To give and to forgive more ; The giving hands are better than the receiving hands. A peaceful heart is always a warm feeling. 
  5. To blog more ; I need to be on track, i've been missing for months and to start blogging again gave me a heavy feeling. 
  6. To study harder and smarter ; I have been slacking off lately and it had affected my grades. I hope to always be patience with studying and to develop an eager enjoyment to learn more. 
  7. To spend less ; I am grateful for all the rezeki god has given to me. I need to be aware that not everyone is fortunate, including the environment i live in. Spending less could at least save me from the whispers of lust.
  8. To take care of my skin better ;  I have been stressing out here and there due to college, and it causes my skin to grow a lot more pimples. I'm using Clinique to treat my skin better! I am new to Clinique but so far so good.
  9. To start working out ; This was my 2015 resolution, but i find it very hard to keep up. I tried a few routine for a week and failed miserably. In need to loosen those chubby cheeks!
  10. To start my beauty blog and youtube channel ; I started my makeup channel on youtube last year but deleted all the videos because i wasn't fully equipped. 

Okay guys that's it! These are my 2016 resolutions, so far i have in mind. Comment below on your New Year resolutions, I'm so excited to read all of them. Happy new year to you readers, and thank you for stopping by :*