Saturday 28 March 2015

The Dreams

Hi, I'm back! So, are you ready for this post? Well basically it's more about me, like never before, the dreams I held, the goals I would like to unlock, a lot of it. Pretty sure you have one too at least, so let's explore mine!

  • To graduate from MUFY, December 2015
  • To pursue my degree in WRITING AND JOURNALISM 
  • To enter the best school of WRITING/&JOURNALISM
  • To get a certificate from a makeup academy 
  • To work as a part time makeup artist in Mac Cosmetics

A pre-u graduate under MUFY would automatically prioritise Monash University in the first place, so I'm considering Monash University, Caulfield campus ( University in Caulfield East, Victoria) in Australia. Yup, that's the dream, 3 years in Australia. Major in Journalism, minor in writing. But in Monash Malaysia they have major in writing and minor in journalism. It's either Malaysia or Australia.
I am considering Global studies as well, that would be in Monash Clayton, as I'm taking globalisation as one of the subjects here, so I'll see how progressive this subject will bring me. It's very fun learning about the world on a macro scale. BUT, I screwed my first test! Sigh, I wish I took it seriously. I like the idea of 'To travel and write' cause you get to feel the world and see how humans conquer this world by putting different classes of people in divisions, you'll see how cruel humans can be, including us. A lot are being treated with injustice and inequality. The rich gets richer, and the poor? They kept on living, in poverty. This is where writing and journalism interlinks with globalisation. Let's say, I have this dream of going to Bangladesh, maybe with the help of my roommate and some of my bangladeshi friends, to see how the labour there are being treated. 
Have you ever heard of child labour? Do you know that the goods and services provided by children are prohibited by the United States? 
Well, if you make a deep research about it, there's no such thing as prohibition. Seriously, can you indetifiy goods, whether it's from the hands of a child or by machines? The ugly truth is, these children have no choice. These labours have no right for an increment of wages. They rarely make money for a living. It's not living, it's surviving.
Adidas, Nike? How can they sponsor those who are well known for sports? They sponsored Tiger Woods, but those goods he has been wearing, came from the little hands, the wounded fingers.

John Pilger is one of the most inspiring journalist to me. I watched his videos during glob class.

So this little ideas I'm giving you, is the reason why I really want to pursue writing and journalism, to tell the world what my eyes see, what my ears hear and what my heart feels about it. 

If you know me,  you'll know how passionate I am when it comes to makeup, I just love it, It's the only art Im good at and I really love Mac Cosmetics. So after Im done with MUFY, I would like to earn a makeup certificate from any makeup academy, then only I could work with Mac Cosmetics.

Until my next entry, thanks for reading!

Wednesday 4 March 2015

1001 Happy Days

Hi lovelies, I'm back after my previous post on driving test tips. As I'm a full time student, I have to spare time for my assessments, studies and tests. It's an endless roller coaster. Okay so far, 2015 is a good kick! There's 1001 happy days, after 2 years being in a sick, depressed, lethargic condition.

God, Family, Friends, Cats. These 4 are my sugar to my tea, my creamer to my coffee, my shower gel to my hair. My happiness,  my life. 


Family is the love of your life. Why? No one will be there as much as your family will. They are eternal. Remember, friends come and go, but your family will always be the roots to a growing tree. They are your water in the desert. So never desert them in exchange to your friends nor your girl/boyfriend. It's not worth it. They will know for sure if you are in trouble, sad or simply just not in the mood, don't believe me? Look at what my father and brother said:-


Shaza, Yop and Anas. No one can hurt them. I love them too much! They are always there for me, thank you lovelies

Dad sending us to the airport

Fav brothers, feat London eye!

My too smart brother, tho I always annoy him haha still love him! 

Birthday man, hehe one big pizza, miss you!!

My backbone!

Ciwa, my comedian, love her too much, 

My sister, a wise lady!



Didi is sleeping, like always 

Grey won't want to meow, he's sick now, get well soon love!


and a new family member named Lost 

U la la, friends are the key to unlock almost anything. I have so many classy friends with real bond. let me list  a few below :-


From left, Amira, Atikah and Irene



                                  Yeap, these are my blood friends, I breathe through them


If you guys don't know me, well obviously you never knew I'm into makeup so much that I am starting a business for it on any occasions with such reasonable price, so do drop your enquiries here at For free makeup tutorial do visit my youtube channel at

My passion got even deeper when the famous Michelle Phan acknowledged me through instagram and twitter!
She retweeted me!
A beauty blogger posted this on her wall!

This was the impact of Michelle Phan retweeting one of my tweets!

The first time she noticed me on instagram, she liked and even commented!!

Where did I learn my passion? By discovering youtube and typed 'Michelle Phan' . That's  when my passion started to grow so deep within me, like I really want to be like her, what an inspiration! So slowly, I started collecting a lot of makeups, day by day, month by month and year by year. Suddenly I became a makeup junkie.

How did I enhance my skills? Well by constantly signing up as a member on every makeup stores I adore! Like Mac cosmetics and Sephora, this is to ensure that I won't miss any good deals and promotions. 
I always go to Sephora and Mac cosmetics and asked the makeup artist to do a tutorial on my face for free, tho it has to be just half of the face. But me being me, I kindly asked them to show me the other face, hehe! Hey, I bought a lot of makeups from Mac, I deserve it! 

In conclusion, this is me. Siti Sarah, borned and raised by a beautiful couple named Mohd Nasir and Fauziah. I grew stronger and stronger with a heart of steel, a pair of angelic wings. So girls, a friendly girl-to-girl talk, never let your lover, your crush or your almost lover like in my case, made you feel emotionally attached cause that will kill you.

Until my next post readers and lovelies. 
Have a splendid day!