Sunday 1 February 2015

Tips for passing the JPJ test (new syllabus) from scratch




Hello readers! I am finally back with a new post, sorry i was surely busy to blog. Okay, straight to the post! Today I am giving u guys all the useful tips and tricks on how to get ur license or ur P! Malaysians or international, it's applicable if u read this. I'll be telling u guys what not to do and what is mandatory, so please hold on!

First, how many parts u need to participate in order to pass? There's 2 parts! Part 2 and Part 3, Part 2 is where u'll be doing from Rutin Pemeriksaan Kenderaan (RPK) or the so called Routine Vehicle Inspections, Rutin Sebelum Memandu (RSM) or Routine Before Driving. Next, u'll have to continue with the hill test, parking, 3 pointer and Selekoh Z and Selekoh S or in english, it is just a Z-shaped and S-shaped road (this is the easiest part, but the easiest came in last)

Part 3 is where you'll be tested on the road with the Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ). Here u'll start with RSM and CITO (I'll explain this later)

Okay guys here is the documents, that u can see what u need to do and what is mandatory, just in case u were too nervous and clumsy, u might forget to do these mandatory steps which is an automatic disqualification or in other word, u just failed.

*Please take note that i had crop a few parts for my privacy (my ic number, signature, etc)

I will start with Bahagian 3/Part 3 cause i was tested on this part first

Bahagian 3/ Part 3

Bahagian 3/ Part 3

Bahagian 3/ Part 3 

Bahagian 3/ Part 3

Bahagian 2/Part 2

Bahagian 2/Part 2

Bahagian 2/ Part 2

Okay guys now that u have read everything that is mandatory for u to pass now let's go to the notes ay

For Bahagian 3/ Part 3 or as known as the on the road test

I don't know about you guys but i took my license at Skem Driving Academy in Gombak,so it differs from one place to another as the road will be different as well, however here is the tips to pass the test :-

As u are waiting for the JPJ to score the student before u, go ahead, please wait outside until the student went off, then give salam (if u're a muslim) or say good morning/afternoon/evening to the JPJ on duty.

I am warning you, please please pleasee if u have the chance choose a guy on duty instead of a lady cause a lady...they'll be on their period all the time even if they're not. Let me tell u based on my experience for the first time i was tested which i failed.

I was too nervous and i couldn't control it, then i waited for the JPJ to finish scoring the guy before me, as i entered the car, i didn't quickly close the door, but that's not the problem. Even as i waited outside, she seemed so pissed off on something. Maybe she's tired or maybe she hates her job.

So i could feel that this it a bad sign. She scolded and shouted at me for not closing the doors quickly, i mean like "hello, i paid for this test, could u please be patient lady?" but of course i kept it to myself or else i'll never pass until today.

This was my first test so the syllabus was very different from the one i'm telling you guys now, this is just a story so yeah. When she scolded me, i forgot almost everything, so i turned off the engine cause i thought that was how my teacher taught me. Then she shouted again and scolded "WOI KAU BUAT APA NI,TAK BELAJAR KE" it means in english "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?DID U EVEN LEARN HOW TO DRIVE?!!" It was harsh but i did not cry just yet. As i was too nervous, with the engine off, i tried to give a signal to the right and she was taking a long note on what i did. Then i turned on the engine and gave the signal and straight away drove to the nearest traffic light. U should have known that in the road test, ur car engine SHOULD NOT be dead more than twice as the effect of you FULLY LIFTING ur left leg from the clutch paddle, if u're using gear 1, you should press and hold ur clutch while pushing the gas/oil paddle. Because of this, i failed. She asked me to switch places, the funniest parts was, i wasn't even on the road yet, that angry lady failed me while we're still in the driving school. IT SUCKS. If a JPJ on duty asked you to switch places with him/her, it means u had just fail.

I failed the first part of the first test on Bahagian 2/ Part 2 , which was the hill test. Please be informed that this was the old syllabus so there was no Rutin Pemeriksaan Kenderaan (RPK)/ Routine Vehicle Inspections, Rutin Sebelum Memandu (RSM) or Routine Before Driving.

Why i failed? Cause as i was driving up the hill and stopped in the yellow line, i think my car had reverse a bit and went out of the yellow line. They saw it that's why they asked me to get out. But i was fine cause no one was shouting nor scolding at me, cause unlike the road test lady, what was the point of you shouting and scolding me cause i failed anyway. Does it change anything for you to scold me that bad? I want to write ur name here, it starts with an A and ends with the letter N. One word, 7 letters. But I'm kind enough not to tell it here, cause it's not noble of me doing that. So i forgive you, i forgave u actually, long time ago. No worries madam!


This test will begin in front of Dewan Cempaka and will end at the same place where it starts.

As u enter the car, u need to do :-


*Step 1 until 12 needs to be explained to the JPJ on duty
*You need to communicate with the JPJ


1.Pastikan handbreak ditarik
2.Letak pergelangan tangan di atas stereng
3.Laraskan tempat duduk
4.Laraskan cermin sisi dan cermin pandang belakang
5.Pastikan kunci kereta diletakkan di on
6.Check tekometer dan RPM (Tunjuk dan cakap mana signal hand break,minyak pelincir,keadaan engine,seatbelt,bateri)
7.Bagi signal kanan dan kiri
8.Pusing lampu kecik dan lampu besar
9.Tarik wiper ke dalam dan tolak ke bawah dan ke atas
10.Tekan hazard light
11.Tekan hon
12.Pastikan seatbelt boleh ditarik dan pasangkan seatbelt


1.Make sure the hand break is pulled
2.Put ur wrist on the steering
3.Adjust ur seat position
4.Adjust side mirrors and rear view mirror
5.Make sure the car key is positioned at 'on'
6.Check the tachometer and RPM on ur dashboard (Point it out and explain where is the signals for hand break,lubricants,engine condition,seatbelt and the battery)
7.Give signals,to the right and to the left
8.Twist the small and big car lights
9.Pull the wiper inwards and push it downwards and upwards
10.Push the hazard light
11.Press hon
12.Make sure ur seatbelt is adjustable and fasten ur seatbelt

*CITO needs to be explained to the JPJ on duty
*You need to communicate with the JPJ





1.U need to explain to the JPJ that when u look into the mirror (Cermin) that there is no obstacles/halangan
2.U need to say that u are giving the signal to where u want to go
3.U need to say and look back to the blindspot (titik buta) so that there's no obstacles
4.U need to start moving (Step in the clutch/klac and hold it) while on gear 1 (NEVER LET GO) while supporting the gas/oil (minyak) paddle
5.When u start moving, u can slowly lift ur left leg and just support the gas/oil/minyak paddle
6.At the roundabout it is MANDATORY to give a signal (to the right)
7.There's a small bumper as u are going down a hill,give a signal ( to the right )
8.Please press the clutch and the break when going down the slope/hill
9.Don't press the gas/oil/minyak paddle or u'll die
10.Before going to the main road please press the clutch and the break, free the gear and pull the hand break.
11.Through the holes of both right and left of the walls, please look for incoming cars
12.When it's clear, press the clutch and with gear 1,while supporting the gas/oil/minyak paddle slowly turn right
13.When ur tachometer reached 20km, press clutch and with gear 2 ( left and rearward) or in malay tolak gear tu ke kiri dan kebelakang dan kebelakang yes kebelakang dua kali
14.Upon reaching 30km, press clutch and with gear 3 (12 o'clock) it's easier to free the gear and just push the gear towards the north (mcm tolak ke depan mcm pukul 12pm tu)
15.Maintain ur speed at 30km/h because there's a hospital nearby
16.Upon passing by the hospital just maintain ur speed at 40km/h
17.When u go straight and see stones on ur left side of the road,start dropping ur speed to 20km by pressing the clutch and the break then only change it to gear 2. Press clutch and with gear 2 ( left and rearward) or in malay tolak gear tu ke kiri dan kebelakang dan kebelakang yes kebelakang dua kali
18.Drop ur speed to 10km/h by doing the same method as no 13 then only change it to gear 1 (push the gear forward from the position of the gear 2) if u want to free the gear first, then push left and upwards
19.With gear 1, u need to u-turn by pressing and holding the clutch and support it with by pressing the gas/oil/minyak paddle
20. Before you went straight away to the road, give signal to the right and look into the side mirrors if there's any vehicles
21.If there isn't any,then slowly drive forward
22.Speed up until 20km/h then change to gear 2
23.Speed up until 30km/h then change to gear 3
24.Just maintain the speed until u see the hospital the slow down to 30km/h
25.When u see the orange shop,drop ur speed to 20km/h then to 10km/h
26.Give a signal to the left and slowly lift the ur leg from the clutch paddle
27.Push the gas/oil/minyak paddle as hard as u can
28.Then stop at where u start by pushing the clutch and break
29.Free the gear and pull the hand break
30.Wait for the JPJ to evaluate u

*Please beware of hazards like potholes (lubang jalan) and animals especially monkey, press hon if u need to
*Use the right technique to overtake vehicles
*Tap break when u're at the bends of the road

Here are the notes Bahagian 2/Part 2


*For the Selekoh Z and Selekoh S u just need to use gear 1 and be careful not to let ur car tyres get into the holes of the roads or else u'll fail.
*Don't use the gas/oil/minyak paddle at the bends, control using the clutch and the break paddles
*Just follow the road of the z-shaped and s-shaped roads (SUPER EASY)













  1. this is totally beneficial :) keep it up!

    1. Thank you love!i still have to edit this post as i did not check befote i post it.Thanks for ur support and please re-visit for an edited post of this new topic! :)

    2. Very helpful for us
      Thank yiu

  2. Hi sarah. I dah lama admire u and ur blog. Hehee ��

  3. Hi there,if only i knew who u are.thank you for the comment.u just made my day after someone made a bad comment on this post,much love from me :)

  4. Good write up Sarah �� keep it up!

    1. Thanks anon!i have a lot to edit on this post but im still looking forward to steal my precious time,thanks for reading,i really appreciate it! ❤️

    2. Thank u so much for the detailed explanation, I liked it that u used English to explain cuz I don't understand Malay at all. lol
      Tomorrow is my test so I'll try my best

    3. Thank you love!If you don't mind,may i know ur origin?My english is as fluent as my Bahasa,all the best,let me know the result!

  5. I don't understand some part. There's RSM in Part 2 & Part 3?? That means we need to check all the things (seatbelt, side mirror, etc) on the both parts??

    1. For part 3,on road,RSM is compulsary,yeap check all the things,but for part 2,it depends on the jpj on duty,for example,during RPK some will ask you to do RSM,some will not,hope this helps :)

  6. Hi. I'm gonna take my jpj test soon and gladly found an experience of urs! Im learning in skem too he he. Could I pm you to get some more details n tips

  7. Hi, the CITO info is really helpful! And for the 'suggestion on what you need to blog next' would be the POWDER.... as I'm really confused on the W and E... actually everything in POWDER I guess lol

  8. POWDER is the keywords for Rutin Pemeriksaan Kenderaan, a check up test for ur car, it's the first thing u do before anything else, P is Petrol, you should smell if there's any weird smell of the petrol, if there is u should tell the tester, by right it shouldnt give out any smell, O is oil, there are the types of oil, engine oil,break oil and the other one i could not recall,u should scroll upwards. W is water, there is 2 water, one is for the wiper,the water storage for the wiper and the other one also i can remember, im sorry. E is electrical, electrical means u should check the connection of the battery,it should be connected correctly like where's the positive and negative connections, and i think there's more to check besides the positivity and negativity connections,R is rubber, u should check if the rubber hose is broken or there's any leakage and check for other rubber material based,hope this helps!

    1. Thanks! I think can pass the test... Anyway it's on 17th of June
      Damn I'm getting nervous! 😵

    2. No problem!Remain calm,be confident and rock the test,all the best!! :D

  9. This has been very very helpful, thank you :)

  10. i can't really estimate, i scared the tyre will hit the obstacle. and also dont use gas when bend?

    1. hey Alex, which part is this? 3 pointer is it?

    2. the z road, sometimes during my training the back tyre hit the beam when i bend, how to make sure the tyre won't hit anything when i bend?

    3. Oh,i took my test at skem,it works like this,before u hit the gas paddle to move forward,take the left lane of the road,and estimate when u should turn ur steering to the right 3 times,and when u want to movr forward to the S-curve,quickly and slowly hit the gas paddle and turn ur steering to the left 3 times,usually until ur car is straight,facing north.The key to not heat anything is to not press the gas paddle hardly,be gentle with it as u are turning to the right when u see the Z curve beam.Hope this helps!

    4. Sorry i made some typos there,the key not to hit anything is..

  11. i am having my test at skem gombak tomorrow...thanks for sharing

    1. Hey there!Sorry for the late reply,i hope everything went well for u,if not don't ever give up!and u're welcome :D

  12. Hi, Sarah! I'm also learning at the skem driving academy and I was wondering if you could give me some tips for the z and s curves to avoid touching the line. Thanks!

    1. Hello there!Sorry for the late reply,for the z-curve,u should balance out ur clutch and oil paddle upon turning ur steering wheel to the right and left before u proceed with the s-curve,just don't hit the oil paddle too hard!!just tap the oil paddle for ur car to have the momentum to move when u turning the steering wheel to the left upon reaching the S-curve.For the S-curve just follow the shape and don't use the oil paddle,maintain by tapping ur clutch followed by the break paddle.hope this helps!

  13. Your piece is pretty good, but i dont know why you recommend your instructor so much, he isn't so great with me. Very bad temper, and not clear english skills

    1. Thanks!Are u sure u got Cikgu Nordin?cause he was really kind to me,he never scolded me before tho i always forgot what he taught.

  14. I learn with cikgu nordin too !! He's very kind like seriously, never raise his voice. The way he teach like he teach his kid. Love him :))

    1. Omg i know right?!he is so loving and i felt like his grand child.Glad to know this! :)

  15. I have one question. I myself took driving lessons a few days ago and I personally practiced find the Z turn a little bit confusing. For the Z turn, my teacher told me that I must not press the gas pedal and instead I should just maintain the biting point of the clutch so that the car would move slowly. As I came to the sharp bend, the car slowed down and eventually came to a stop. Needless to say, my teacher was frustrated and he told me I should add gas so that the car wouldn't come to a complete stop. My question is this. Does this person have bipolar or something? At first he told never to accelerate and now he's telling to do it instead.

    1. nope he doesn't. yes you need to slow down when u are about to bend after seeing the sharp bend,always tap the clutch and then only the break you are bending away from the z-curve to proceed with the s-curve, you need momentum to move the car forward. therefore tapping the gas paddle is necessary or it would have been like your situation where the car comes to a halt,which we do not want as we are not done with the s-curve.hope this clarify your confusion :)

  16. Hey Sarah^^, first of all, I really enjoyed reading this whole piece of writing. It's informative and very well written, it might also currently THE Best tips ever wrote for learners to adapt and pass the test. (Believe me, I've been searching high and low on the web for this. Desperation calls xD. And oh my.. not to mention we both went to the same driving academy, this is something.. a coincidence?)

    Okay, enough of the compliments. I have questions, is it required to do the RPKs and RSMs each time you were to switch cars? And am I suppose to do the on a road test first before the others (uphill, three pointer, parking and shapes tests)? Or does it depends whether there are available JPJ workers on duty? And is it mandatory to mention POWDER or just required to inspect the 8 important under the bonnet components?

    Sorry for the bombardment of questions.. I'm having my JPJ test this 8th of July, and I really don't wanna disappoints my love ones ><

    1. Why hello there!thank you for ur kind words,i am happy to be able to help!This might be a coincidence,yes hehe. To answer ur questions, 1.We only do the RPK once before we do the hill test,and it depends on the jpj on duty,usually she/he will ask u to do RSM right after u're done with RPK on the spot. 2.Yes,if u switch cars for ur hill test,parking,3 pointer and s and z curve,it is mandatory to do RSM!also, please check out my pics with the jpj papers on,it is stated when u have to to CITO;during up and down the hill,when u do ur parking,3 pointer and s and z curves,they are important. 3.It depends on which session u are in,there are 3 sessions,early morning session,late morning session and the afternoon session,usually the morning session do the hill test first then only the on road test,the opposite goes to the second session and third where they do the on road test first then only the hill test and all,but it also depends on the teachers on duty. 4.POWDER is a verbal communication with the jpj on duty,you have to explain to them what each of the alphabet stands for,and the 8 components inside the bonet isn't necessary to tell the jpj,if u are unlucky,she/he might want to know,so just be ready in case.All the best for ur test!if u are a muslim,recite surah Al-Insyirah,where u can ease down the nervous feeling,and don't blame urself if anything were to happen,god has set all these before u were born,okay? Just ask anything if u are still not clear,im here :D

    2. Woah, Sarah a quick reply.. Thank You <3, your last sentence is really sweet, a kind heart to assist others even if they're a complete stranger. Yup, God has it all planned the best way.

      And I have more questions, is CITO more of a verbal communication or physical actions or both? Just to clarify, during your on the road test, when you first exited Skem, did you went right or left? tyty

    3. I have to be on time!CITO is just a physical action,unless the CITO in RSM,u have to speak it out on what u are doing because the jpj is in the car next to u for on road test.if u are in the car alone,just do it physically,no words needed.i went right,u're welcome :)

    4. Thank you Sarah, but apparently I failed the road test earlier yesterday, the examiner failed me because I didn't gave signal just before I release the hand break and drove, I was taught to give signal only until the arrival of a near junction. And yeah, our scenario was the same... failed me before I could even exit the academy. My retake date is the same as Nurul, which is on the 5th of August. But I passed my Section 2 (hill test, parking, courses). Ugh, I feel worthless after failing. I have another question, is it allowed to fully explain in English for the RSM test?

    5. hello there,heyy it's okay,it is really okay to fail,sometimes success is the outcome of a whole string of failures! oh dear, it is mandatory to give signal, without it you are considered as an automatic disqualification,beware of it the next time ya,and congrats that you at least passed the section 2,did u know that i fail both sections twice?and only passed the third time i tried?because i believe that i can!so learn to love yourself,you are worth it,it depends on the jpj on duty,if he or she starts speaking in bahasa,then better speak bahasa,i recommend u to just speak bahasa,im just scared they'll get annoyed,all the best yah!

    6. Hey Sarah, it's me again!^^ I have a question, for Part 3! When you lowered your gear to 1 after performing the U-Turn, did you went straight to the road, or did you stopped on the left side before giving signals to the right and then only drove?

    7. why hello there,again hehe. you should give signals after the u-turn,oh no, don't do that,you should wait between the walls of exit from skem, and give signals to the right,do ur cito and then only drive to the road,hope this helps

    8. Sorry for the lack of clarification, I was pointing out on this:

      20. Before you went straight away to the road, give signal to the right and look into the side mirrors if there's any vehicles

      not before exiting Skem xD
      I was confused, do I perform a U-Turn straight away and drive along the road, or do I have to U-Turn and stop on the left before proceeding.

    9. Ohh that u-turn before doing the road test is it?just u-turn,slow down and give signal to the direction u're need to wait or stop on the left side

    10. Oh no, it's the U-turn after passing the hospital, where it is used to return to Skem, my question is, after performing a U-turn, is it required to stop on the left side straight away after the U-turn, and then watch out for cars (with the CITO procedures), then only drive pass back the hospital and to Skem


      Just U-turn without stopping on the left,
      because my instructor once told me to do so, but I'm quite confuse because it's little complicated.. I just want to clarify. My retake is on the 26th of August. And I'm really nervous ><, once again, thank you Sarah.

    11. Yes you must stop on the left side, give signal to the right ,look for any cars coming, if there's none, then only drive back to skem,oh and yeah with the cito as well. All the best!

  17. Hi sarah. Thx for the infos. My test will be 5/8/15 at the same place. I'm so nervous because I failed badly at Z-shaped. Don't know where did I go wrong. The more I tried it, mistakes getting worse. Hopefully ur infos could help me with it.

  18. Hello Nurul!Oh all the best for ur test,don't worry too much dear,u need to believe in urself and don't be too nervous until it controls you,you can okay?You're welcome,glad i could help!

  19. Hi there! My instructor surprised with the news that I've got a pre-test tomorrow ... and I am super not ready. I have problems with the going up the hill part, as well as the parking part.
    I know in order to face a practical test, I should be practicing hands-on a bit more but unfortunately, time and space do not permit. Though I know reading up on theory wouldn't do me much good, but it helped me cool down a bit. Great work here!

    Oh, and would you have any last minute tips?

    1. Aww that's a bad surprise!but hey don't worry,surely u can!Thanks for reading,here are some of my last min tips ;1.don't read the notes during the test,it'll distract you.2.Calm down,do not be too nervous.3.Be polite to ur surrounding,it will reflect ur deeds,people will treat u nicely.4.Say a little prayer before u start ur test.5.Thank your teacher for teaching u with patience,without them u won't succeed.All the best,u have my back! :D

  20. OMG, I re-read your notes and found that they are extremely similar to the instructions my instructor gave me. It really helped! Thanks, many many thanks! :D

  21. Why hello there Eva!Thank you for reading! I hope u had benefited from this,you are most welcome dear :)

  22. Hi again, Sarah! I underwent my pre-test today and as expected, I failed some parts *laughs*, however, I didn't fail as bad as I thought I would. The major cause of this would likely be my own clumsiness in forgetting little key elements like CITO *laughs again*. Anyway, I've been lacking so much motivation and confidence yesterday but your writing helped me a bit. Even though they only helped me majorly on the theory part, but still, I gained a small bit of boost there. I guess they kinda helped me improve.

    I'll be having two more classes before my real test on the 20th and I can't wait to get them over with.

    Would you mind if I linked my readers to your blog, if in case I happen to blog about my driving experience too?

    Thanks again,

  23. Hello Eva!Thanks for the updates,and im so surprised at how your confidence build in slowly but surely inside you,and it's okay,we are humans,we tend to forget a little bit of everything,but the message is that you did not run away from this and you faced it with confidence,all the best in completing this journey to get your P! Oh I am more than welcome to let you do that,maybe you can follow my blog so that your readers could learn easily with your source of reference,

    Much obliged,

  24. Hi, Sarah! It's me again hahaha. I finally managed to complete my driving course and passed the test last Friday. I owe you lots! Anyway, I wrote a blog post on my own experience instead of tips on how to survive driving school. So I put a link to your blog for my readers to refer to.

    I am definitely putting your blog in my reading list, and hope that you'd visit mine too.


    1. hey Eva! really sorry for the late reply tho,been really busy with college!aww u're welcome,so happy for you!and thanks for the reference,i'll visit yours and add you up,we could make a new circle,


  25. Omg, I'm sitting in my training car while reading, getting supah nevous because of the RPK ahhh djjxjsn

    1. heyy how was it?i hope u passed! haha it's normal to be nervous during any test

  26. Hey. I recently failed my bahagian 2... So I need to get my. Side parking right..

    So I'm supposed to full turn left. Reverse. Till I see the 3rd block on my side mirror. Straighten up my tyre. Reverse. Till the back tyre touches the garisan putus. After that. Full turn right. Reverse. Front tyre touches the lines. Then full turn left. Shift into gear 1. Then drive forward a bit. And must I straighten up the tyres when I'm in. Or can I just leave it facing left...? I hope to get a reply from you soon thanks! Your blog is really really good btw! :)

    1. hello Jin,thanks for reading my post!!sorry for the late reply,ive been busy with college,okay so before you free the gear and pull your hand break, you should make sure the pole is in the same position with your right shoulder,doesn't matter if the tyres are straighten or not. hope this clears up ur doubt :D

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. You are most welcome!im so glad it helped!

  28. I'm going for my JPJ test today, my driving instructure..I can't explain, I don't noe if I'm too dumb to understand or if he have problems with explaining. All he thought me is how to drive (only driving). Now I'm getting nervous about all the RSM RPK...thank God I took initiative to Google it out, at least I have some rough idea of what's going to happen. My instructor never allow me to drive higher than 2nd gear, he loves to control the brake ( like all the time ) as well as the steering ( tough his driving ). His an Indian who trying to show of his English speaking skills...broken English I mean ( I'm an Indian too...he refuse to speak our mother tounge).
    During my 45minutes driving lesson, he will be on phone like 10-20minutes ( yeah, that's when he'll control the steering from the side and the brake). He initially told me 1500 for bike and car licence, after 2months down the road he change story as the JPJ upgrading the system and couldn't recognize my bike licence application. When I make my final payment, he insisted that he charged me 1500 only for car license ( and its guarantee till pass) I've got no choice but to pay him as I don't have any prove. And finally got guts to ask me to bribe him to settle JPJ test, so automatically pass!! I hope I can do well on my own effort.
    I'm super stressed with all this money minded people. I'm sorry I've to vent my frustration here for the money which I spend, all I get is crappy service.

    1. hello there! Im sorry to hear what you've been through.Is he an instructor under a company or is he simply by himself? Because if you paid for this kind of service, you have the right to make a legal complaint, yes the jpj system has changed,i was once charged more when i wanted to book my jpj test. He should have been more matured by informing you earlier so it wouldn't be so troublesome especially if you are taking two license.Don't worry,just pray and go thru this with patience, good things happen to those who wait. I hope you found everything you need for the test from this post, and all the best!!

  29. Hi Sarah, may i know what is the passing mark for bahangian 3?

    1. Hello there,i think it's 68,if im not mistaken,im not too sure,sorry!

  30. Hi Sarah,,i m really glad i found ur blog..ur tips n information help me a lot. as i m a foreigner it difficult to find details n info in ur blog is very helpful..really appreciated..i m taking my lisence in Auto..n was very difficult to find english tutorials as they dont hv any books in english for Auto..somehow i managed to pass my theory test 1 st i m practicing driving n my pretest will be on next week..sad to say my instructor is shouting at me like i m doing a criminal..i got some questions for u sarah..pls reply me..

    1 when in the jpj test will i hv a english speaking person coz i dont speak bahasa or i dont understand any word?
    2 for the pretest who s going to test me? is it the same instructor?
    3 i still didnt get it right S n Z when to turn ..though i didnt hit yet tyres a too near to the curb..

    pls give me some advised dear..

    1. 1) depends on the people...they are really weird..for me xD
      2) different people
      3) you have to ask your instructor although I got scolded lots of time ....
      I think you have participated the test already :)

    2. Thank you for the advice :D I'm having test tomorow and i'm doing last minute work (so gonna fail) is my 1st attempt btw....

    3. You're welcome,i hope u pass!

    4. Thnx pEy yNg for ur reply. Actually I m gonna hi my JPJ test tmrw 1st October. Hope I ll have a English speaking tester..

    5. Sorry for the late reply!!i figured she helped you by clarifying, hopefully everything goes fine, goodluck!

  31. helpful information for all of us here, pass mark in all sections of JPJ test is 80% i.e.. part 2 is of 56/70 and part 3 is 64/80.

    Part 2:- RPK,RSM, carry minor marks but need to explain to test inspectors about the car. parking, 3 point, z and s makeup rest of major part in PART2

    PART3- this is all about your driving on main road along with inspector. He/She'll be scoring on the kind of driving etiquette you do.

  32. Thank you so much sarah, you are the best, hope you have a great day ahead

  33. Tmr is my jpj test and your notes are so helpful!!! Thaaaanks & wish me luck!! ����

    1. hey sorry for the late reply, but i hope u pass!

  34. Hi Sarah!

    I just came across your blog and your tips are very useful!

    Thank you so much for sharing, since I just failed my JPJ test, your post and experience actually gave me some motivation for me to get back on the wheels hehe. I rasa down sangat bila failed jpj.

    BTW Sarah, you ex melawatians kan?

    1. Hi Mira!

      You're welcome,im glad you found it helpful.Oh relax,failing is normal,giving up without trying to get back up again is a true failure.Goodluck okay!Yes i am,batch 96,you also?


  36. Thanks.but now too many additional already.honk boleh gagal suda.jpj stpnstrickangat.

    1. Biasa tu jpj memang macam ni,stay strong and stay updated,all the best!

  37. Hey sarah. Can u teach me to do side parking step by step.i hope u can give a fast response because my jpj test will be held tomorrow.. Tq

    1. hello!sorry for the late reply!i put up the notes for the side parking at the very bottom of this post (the last picture) but if you can't understand,i can explain here,btw have u taken ur test?

  38. it's useful for me..
    later on i will only going for car learning class for 2 hour..
    but recently too much pressure in getting this license..
    So i found your blog and found it is useful for my test in few more week after i done my car learning class..
    Btw i have Bookmark your blog for my revision.

    1. Aww i'm glad u found this useful.Thank youu!Oh i know the pressure is real,i've been there,but have faith in urself,you sure can ace this!Goodluck for ur test okay :D

  39. Hi sarah...
    Blog and tips u sgt2 membantu...
    Thanks so much....

  40. Thank you so much for this! It was very informative and I loled at the "9.Don't press the gas/oil/minyak paddle or u'll die" part! xD

    1. haha seriously the clutch is never my favourite. Thanks for reading!

  41. Hey Sarah thanks alot for the amazing tips! Anyways i have a few extra questions to ask (sorry if it's a dumb one haha)

    1) Is it necessary to raise our hands after we finish every obstacle in the litar such as hill,parking etc/ or we just have to raise our hand in some of the obstacle,if yes,which are the obstacles that we have to raise our hand to indicate that we are done? ( Apparently my driving instructor is still following the old system that confuses me which lead me in asking this question :/ )

    2) Do we have to carry out RSM twice which is before we go up the hill obstacle and also before we start our On The Road driving? I noticed that u mentioned it depends on the JPJ officers but in the correct way do we have to do twice?

    3) When do we have to implement the CITO technique?

    Thanks in advance for reading this and i hope u can reply me ASAP as i'm taking my test on Tuesday and i'm nervous haha ><

  42. Hey John! I'm so sorry for the late reply. I hope u passed the test!

    1) For the hill part, before u drive down the hill and u feel confident that u have done it the right way, raise up ur hand as a signal to the jpj officer on duty before driving down the hill. For parking, you only raise up ur hand after you have complete all the parking steps. This means, before you are about to leave the parking area, raise up ur hand and notify the officer. I don't think we need to raise our hands for CITO and RSM tho. RSM is just explanation needed. CITO is for safety precautions purposes.

    2) The one before the hill test is the RPK (Rutin Pemeriksaan Kenderaan) where u have the inspect the car and explain to the officer. RSM is a must before taking the on the road test and is done once.

    4) From what i can remember, CITO is done right after u have completed RSM. Which is before u are about to drive for ur on the road test.

    I hope this is informative for you. Thanks for reading!

  43. Dear Sarah, first of all congratulations for your blog, you really writes very well, good job.

    secondly, i`ll be taking my test on 29/09/16 and all your tips were very useful.

    good job and hope you have a bright future as a journalist.

    Terima Kasih
    Adjan Barbosa

    1. Aww thank you for your feedback Adjan!I'm so glad you found my tips useful.All the best for the test!Thank you for the wish :D

    2. Hi Sarah, i`d like to share the good news, i passed my exam, i`m so happy right now, i passed both theory and practical on my first attempt, even thought some friends here in Malaysia told me i couldn`t make it without the "duit kopi" but i prove then are wrong and the system is clean.

      Thanks for all your tips, they were indeed very valuable alongside with google maps to study the all 3 road courses available.

      I started with the road, later did RPK/RSM and finished with the Circuit hill,parking,3 point turn, Z and S shaped.

      Also thanks for my instructors including Norasmail from Metro and Tini from the office, and all JPJ examiners for the fair and clean evaluation


    3. Hey i'm really sorry for the late reply ( something happened with the comment notification) anyway, congratulations upon ur success! You proved to yourself that you can! You're welcome and thanks again for reading this post

      Have a nice day!

  44. Thanks for sharing your experience...

    1. and thank you for stopping by, hope this blogpost helps!

  45. hi Sarah, thanks for the tips! how i wish I've known this earlier bcs tomorrow's my jpj test and i know you can't reply that fast Dx well anyway im confused my instructor didn't really tell me when to or not to raise your hands while on litar. and im bloody nervous about the rpk and rsm T_T when im anxious i forgot everything, seriously. or even if i didn't forget it, I'll say the wrong things like cermin dalam keadaan baik when you're supposed to say signal hahaha! dead. anyway i hope i past the test even when my gut feeling tell me i didnt... well thats just me being pessimistic like always

    1. Hey Rinie, sorry for the super duper late reply, like a year later.. I owe you an apology. Anyway, i hope by now you've already gotten your license. ahh feeling anxious and forgetting stuff is totally familiar to me. It's okay as long as you get ur license!

  46. My test is tomorrow and I'm honestly so scared of jpj, I really hope I get a nice person instead of someone who yells at me over the littlest things! Anyway I really want to thank you for writing this you have no idea how much this means to me. As someone who is absolutely weak in Malay, I feel so blessed to see that you've explained everything with perfect detail in English, bless you truly! I'm taking auto though, but still thank you so much ♡

    1. Hey there! I know this is like a year later.. But i owe you my sincerest apology as i haven't been blogging in a while. Aww im glad this blogpost is beneficial for you. Btw, you are most welcome and i hope by now, you've already gotten your license and wander around. Good day to you!

  47. I read your post two days before the test and it was the perfectly summarised! Thank you for the additional personal experiences!! I passed the test btw;)

    1. Hey!Thank you for reading and congrats on passing!

  48. Hi Sarah, your post has helped me pass my driving test yesterday. Can't thank you enough!

    1. Hey i'm happy for you! Congratulations and no problem!

  49. Hi, thanks so much for this post. Although I'm drving an Auto, I liked hearing your experience. Also thanks for the translations as my Malay is a little rusty. Great post, and hope you continue writing.

    : )

    1. Yayyy thank you for reading and stopping by! There are more post(s) coming, do stay tuned if you are interested :D

    2. Thanks so much sister for sharing this. I dont understand Malay thus really enjoyed this
      I just started my driving practical classes... Already feeling nervous about the tests
      If i may ask the documents you shared are in malay. Is it possible to share the English ones if you have?
      Thank you and be blessed

    3. Thanks sister
      I dont understand malay thus enjoyed this
      Kindly do you have the documents images you shared in English?
      JazakiAllah kheyr

    4. Salama alaykum sister, sorry for the later reply, i haven't been blogging for quite a while. Which point are you at now for the JPJ test? are you done with the practical classes? I could translate the documents for you, but i need to know your progress. Hope this helps!

  50. Hey Sarah i'll be doing my test real soon, just wanted to get something off my chest. During the circuit test on the hill, could i use the method whereby I:
    1) Stop at the yellow line, break, free my gear and pull up the handbreak
    2) Once im good to go, i'll keep my foot on the break, switch to gear 1, release the handbreak. Then finally quickly switch from brake to accelerator.
    3)After that its just a matter of managing your accelerator and clucth.

    I personally find this method easier than the one my instructor taught me. Wondering if the method used matters? or as long as u dont slide back you are fine.

    1. Heyya! There is no one specific method that will determine your success. You are free to go with any method that is easier for you even though your instructor never taught you that. I think it is acceptable and as long as you r car moves forward down the hill, that's a positive sign!

  51. Failed my jpj test last 2 weeks, wasnt even on the road yet still inside the driving school and the guy failed me, reason was i didnt give signal when its still so far away from the junction ��

    1. Hey there! My sincere apology for the late reply. Omg i feel you, this reminds me of the first time i badly failed both parts of the JPJ test. Yes, indeed giving signal is important, it's better to give it earlier as it is part of what determines whether or not you could proceed on the road before leaving the school. Hope this helps!

  52. Hi Sarah, I want to ask something. Is it true in JPJ test if I pass the part 2 test but failed the part 3 test, means when I come for the next JPJ test I no need to retake part 2 test, just retake the part 3 test which I failed, is this true?

  53. Hi Sarah, I want to ask something. Is it true during JPJ test, if I passed part 2 but failed part 3, another time when I come for the JPJ test I no need to retake part 2 test just retake the part 3 test which I failed?

    1. Hey Firdaus! I know this a late reply, i owe you an apology. Yes it is true, you just have to retake part 3. However, if you failed any parts of part 2, you have to RETAKE everything. You are lucky!

  54. Hi Sarah! Thank you so much for writing this blog. love you so so much. it is very clear and i have never seen such precise and detailed explanations! plus it is in English! i am malaysian chinese but Malay not too good haha. so a big thank you to you. muah!! i will be taking test next month, hopefully can pass haha. ALL THE VERY BEST to you. Love from KK:)

    1. wahh, im so surprised this blog reached all to way to East Malaysia! Btw Im so glad this blogpost is of great help to you. Sorry for the late reply tho, haven't been blogging for a while. Hope you passed the test!

  55. Hi. My teacher also cikgu nordin. Tommorow is my test. Wish me luck. 😊

    1. Hi! Sorry for the late reply, i haven't been blogging for quite a while. Anyway, cikgu nordin is so niceee. I hope you passed the test!

  56. Hi Sarah, I was wondering if I could ask you a question?
    Were you nervous about your test and how did you calm yourself down?
    Thank you very much
    Your blog about your driving text experience is very good.

    1. Hello, oh yes i was very anxious back then like i was literally shaking until i failed the first time. But as i get on, it helps when you set a realistic goal, like it's okay if you fail, it's normal. But take the failure to push you to achieve your goal. Usually it helps me to calm down when im well prepared, only when you are fully prepared you'll have the confidence. I hope you'll pass your test!

  57. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  58. Hi Sarah,thanks a lot for your article! As a person who prefers English to BM,coming across an English article providing tips and instructions regarding the driving exam means a lot to me! Haha Anyway I just had my first lesson and already felt nervous about the I went online looking for tips, wish me luck! Thanks again.

    1. Hi Christ, glad you came across my blog, i hope your lessons will prepare you for the test. No worries, you will pass!

  59. Hi, Can I ask if you took Manual(D) or Automatic(DA)?
