Sunday 24 May 2015

MUFY Sem 1 Survival Kit

Hey readers, finals is done!

This post is all about surviving MUFY or so called "Monash University Foundation Year" MUFY is all about consistency, if you are very hardworking,determined and focus, you're good enough. Trust me, even if you did not do well for spm, if you are consistent, surely you'll get 4 HDs. Oh by the way that is our grading system from Fail, <50, Pass 50-59, Credits 60-69, Distinction 70-79 and High Distinction 80-100.

So a little bit of story, I am very lazy like there's no space for  being hardworking there. So I am screwed la. haha. MUFY is a combination of internal (assignments & assessments) and external (finals) It depends on the subjects you chose. Some is 50%-50%(Economics),30%-70% (Maths) ,70%-30% (usually english) or even 60%-40% (Globalisation). These are my subjects combo, so it differs from one person to another. After orientation, we were given around 2 weeks to add or drop any subjects before making it permanent. So i made a mistake from changing fundamental maths to maths, my course do not require any sort of maths. Im going for Bachelor of Journalism.  But i was hungry for knowledge, so i chose maths. Fund maths is spm maths, like form 1-3 plus a bit of form 4+5 maths,yeap not even add maths,okay maybe a tiny bit. So i chose maths cause i got to learn new things which is true. But for assessments, test 1-3 i kept on failing, seriously, not even half of 100. I was late when i changed to maths. The lecturer was very fast when she was teaching, i didn't even finish digesting and she went on teaching other things.

If you are planning to take science, please make sure and consult an advisor whether or not your degree requires any chemistry, trust me guys, chemistry in MUFY, for external is just hard, even if you score 100% for internal, passing is not a guarantee for your external, biology is the easiest in the course followed by physics (my fav during spm)

So please be consistent, i didn't do her homework, so the next day when they were discussing about it, i was so lost. So lessons learnt, do your homework so you can digest what she taught, not went home and slept all day long without feeling guilty. For economics, i aimed D or HD for finals, but i was very lazy, so i screwed my internal, i got very low, less than 50 upon 100. So i thought i could pull off my external, the day before my test for globalisation and economics, oh god it had to be 2 big papers on the same day. I studied globes before so i focused on econs, i read chapter 5 ; Market Structure, but none of it came out you know!! Not even the graphs which i redraw and memorised, when finals came, the answers were simple but the questions were so confusing that i doubt if i could pass,yes i think i might have failed, but i kept on praying. For globes, you just need to focus what Ms Uma said in class (the only globes lecturer) such a sweetheart, i love her too much. Write down all the notes she gave and read the articles which she will give in abundance later on, and highlight all the things she said, once you're home just reread, you will remember for a lifetime.

There will be a placement test for english and maths before you register for the subjects. So in english, what was not fair to me is, the weaker class got an easy-going lecturer,the weaker ones scored their internal without trying so hard. While us, the advanced english class had a strict lecturer, whoever didn't do her homework, surely you'll be marked. My team prepared for a presentation so well and she gave us low marks because of our weak contents. So i did okay-okay only for my internal for english, tho i expected like 65/70. In english, just do the homeworks and be consistent because it carries a lot, 70% to be added to 30% to your external. If your batch is the unlucky ones, your english paper could be really tough! Ours this sem came out about celebrities, oh dear my go-to gossip daily.

For maths, it's even worse, the geniuses were gathered in a class and got the best among the best lecturer, while the weakest were compiled in a class and got the average lecturer, they should have mixed the geniuses and the weakest in a class, then only we can exchange knowledge, knowledge is half a war and very powerful. Thank god, sem 2 is a whole different level.

Don't worry,MUFY is a fun course! You get to mix around with the locals and international students from all over the globe, i have friends from Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Russia, Taiwan, Korea, China, India and lots more! So put aside the racism and be open minded, here no one will be judged from what you wear to where you came from. Because ur friends, if you found the right one will always help you. For me, a night before maths' finals, my friends, Jiawei, Jen, Kok Leong, they all helped me with maths, cause it's my weakest subject, and they are the top scorers for maths. They got an average score of 90++ for their internal! So amazing, and they were so helpful you know, everything that i did not understand, but with their help and explanation, i think i just scored my external. I did everything for external which was a miracle. During my topic tests, i failed. Only until the last topic test, i finally passed. 53. Literally passed, but then when trial maths came in, there it goes, i failed again. But the message here is to never give up! The word "give up" itself sounds stupid. Besides everyone said maths 2 is easier.

I suggest you guys to stay around campus, Sunway offers apartment, which is a minute walk from campus but they don't have air-cond there. Second, Sun-u residence, 5 minutes walk, u can choose if u want to stay in an air-conditioner residence or not. Lastly they have SMR (Sunway Monash Residence),20 minutes walk, it's a bit pricy but also very settle. They said it's ghostly and the internet there sucks, but i don't know cause i am not a resident there. Btw, i stayed in the apartment for the first sem, it started out fine, but when finals came in a month, the aparment got so hot and i kept on waking up at 3am every night sweating, then i had to sleep on the floor, open all the windows and the door. Yeap just to get some air, you can't cook here, neither do in sun-u, but im not sure about SMR. Btw, you can break the rules by just bringin induction cooker, lol we're students we need to save some money sometimes right?!

Btw, around campus, there's endless coffee shops, from selfie coffee to garage 51,there is burger lab,pink house restaurant, rock cafe (i went here countless of times cause it's cheap) So don't worry,if you want to stay near campus, you will survive by eating a lot of food haha.

Join MUFY, with a vow to be consistent, that's all you need to keep on going, any enquiries please leave your comments below :D